Paper cups are becoming more in demand. Thus, the search for affordable paper cup providers will not be as difficult as they are widespread across the internet and media channels. Since some products are not up to standards or have clear origins, how can you buy high quality paper cups at reasonable prices right from the factory? Let’s find out about some reputable companies with the tips provided below.

The secret to choosing a reputable paper cup supplier

The first thing when it comes to buying quality paper cups is that you need to find reputable brands with specified labels. And in today’s market, it is not difficult for buyers to find reputable suppliers that manufacture paper cups on demand. One of the leading companies offering quality paper cups is New Star Paper.

After 18 years of establishment and development, to this day, New Star Paper has built 2 modern factories with an area of ​​​​up to 40,000m2, and we take pride in becoming one of the leading companies in the field of manufacturing and providing packaging solutions as well as other product lines for the F&B industry.

Currently, New Star Paper is a paper cup supply partner to many brands and large chains of coffee and milk tea stores nationwide. With the modern paper cup production technology, New Star Paper can fulfill every customer requirement for quality and print patterns while maintaining a competitive price. In addition, the international standards and certifications that New Star Paper has achieved is the most authentic proof of our product’s quality, our responsibility to customer health as well as the brand’s reputation.


International certification is the truest proof of quality for the brand of New Star Paper

By trusting and buying quality paper cups at New Star Paper, customers are offered not only durable but also finely designed products which have multiple advantages and can greatly benefit consumers.

Choosing the right paper cup material for the specific intended use

First of all, it is suggested that you buy quality paper cups from a supplier that uses eco-friendly materials, which are virgin and biodegradable paper. Reputable paper cup manufacturing units often use 100% pure PO paper or kraft paper, which is to ensure safety and hygiene for consumers.

Besides, paper cups are categorized into 2 main types, each fits a different use: paper hot cups and paper cold cups.


Choosing the right paper cup material for the specific intended use

  • Paper hot cups are often used for hot drinks such as hot tea, hot coffee, etc. or for fast foods such as cup noodles.
  • Paper cold cups are for cold drinks such as iced coffee, soft drinks or ice cream, tea, etc.

Please refer to these specific types:

  • Paper cups coated with 1 inner layer of PE: this is the type of cups often used for drinks with moderate or not too high temperature. This type of paper cup has a limitation that it should not be used for too long since it will affect the durability of the cup.
  • Paper cups coated with 1 inner and 1 outer layer of PE: this is the type of cups used for almost all drinks. As it is coated with 2 layers, the cup is sturdy and especially does not absorb water, which in turn prevents paper break down. Moreover, for cold drinks, it also ensures that the cup does not sweat (which can soften the cup).

Additionally, you can refer to other paper cups with special structure to make a decision on buying quality paper cups

  • Corrugated paper cups are recommended by many for hot drinks. The corrugated layer or the inner layer is designed as an insulation to help limit the user’s direct contact with the cup wall and prevent burns.
  • 2-layer paper cups with a sleeve to help create thickness and firmness when holding; it has heat insulation and does not cause paper breakdown.

Choose the pattern on the cups

To create better impressions with customers from the first-hand product experiences, you can select from a range of creative patterns to be printed on the cups:

Paper cups with stylized curved patterns

This is one of the models for milk tea that are popular among young people because of their fancy and playful nature. These paper cups have an eye-catching appearance with vivid and flexible patterns that have attracted a lot of members from Generation Z who love unconventionality.


Popular curved brocade pattern

Additionally, the sophisticated and trendy color combination has helped the cup model with curved brocade patterns create a strong first impression. Usually, special patterns that are particularly designed by milk tea and coffee shops are limited in quantity. Thus, owning these patterned paper cups is also quite an interesting hobby for consumers.

Paper cups with cute and funny pattern

This is also one of the cup models that are extremely popular among young people. However, with this style, stores need to consider choosing the right image for their customers and create their own brand. Usually, these paper cups will have a wider range of ideas and selection, you can design expressive human faces or stylize animals with lovely movements, but they need to be colorful and vibrant. This is considered an advantageous strategy to help the product stand out better.


Eye-catching funny patterns can make a strong impression

Carefully examine samples and goods upon arrival

It is important to keep in mind that when you receive the goods, the first and last cups in the same batch need to be examined. For large quantities, the first and last batch of cups must be checked. This is usually because the first cups in the same batch will be prone to dust or insects in case the bag is not properly tied and secured by the seller, and the last glass is often dented by the string that was used to secure the bag.

As for large quantities, the first and last batch inspection ensures uniform print quality without ink smearing.

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